We help agents and landlords to mitigate the impact of the Bill on their operations, their finances and their personnel.
This service is tailored to your needs, so that you -or your company- can thrive under the new regulations. Check your progress in the implementation of the Bill.
Get in touch to discuss your needs over the phone or using the Register button below.
We will deal with your enquiry promptly. For more information about how we manage your data, check our Privacy Policy.
This specialised service helps landlords increase their revenue by up to 50% whilst reducing rent per tenant by up to 25%.
Our expert knowledge of HMO regulation takes into consideration the property size and amenities and optimizes the available space for residential use following the requirements of fire regulations and licensing standards.
This service is especially suited for landlords who manage their property themselves, giving them the expertise and insights they need to improve their bottom line, adopt the latest regulatory changes and make informed decisions with their property.
Get the most out of the property licence, boost your revenue, and give your tenants a better deal by allowing sharers to use spare rooms and/or available reception rooms, as explained in our article Opening Up Space in Bristol.
If you have an HMO with bills included, we can help!
No more worries about tenants overusing utilities or energy prices going up and leaving you out of balance. Our HMO addendum to your tenancy agreements comes with a clause of Fair Usage for utilities and a clause of Price Variation and in both cases, you can claim an increase of rent for both reasons, at any point in the tenancy.
We calculate the baseline charges per tenant with historical data and the price per energy unit at the point of signing the tenancy contract so that any significant change in usage or price (generally 25% up or down) can trigger an extra rent charge –or refund. The clause and initial calculations to include the price ranges in the contract cost £245 if required, and you can easily monitor the usage and price variation thereafter. If you want us to monitor the bills and calculate the variation in prices and/or consumption, it costs another £245 per assessment.
We will deal with your enquiry promptly. For more information about how we manage your data, check our Privacy Policy.