Our tenants love it so much they don't want to leave, unless they have to! Our average stay is 28 months, compared to 18 months for the sector.
We minimize the empty time of your property between tenancies. Our managed properties have an astonishingly low 12 days void on average, that's half of the market trend.
Happy tenants look after their home better, and with timely inspections and adequate property maintenance, we get only 4% of deposit money retained in the end, 10 times less than the average 40% deductions in the sector.
We don't mess tenants around, and 98% of applications are accepted. When tenants see a good house, at a good price, and with a good agent, all they want to do is take it!
Our rent collection track record boasts a staggering 99% of timely rents. That's 10 times better than the industry standard.
We provide a profitable business for landlords and good properties for tenants: a win-win experience for all thanks to our cutting-edge expertise.